Romanticise your life
Romanticise: to present details, incident, or people in a romantic way.
I asked 10 women I know if romance was a priority in their life. Unsurprisingly but still disappointingly they all responded that it wasn’t. It is easy to forget about it because it isn’t in the forefront of your mind to be romantic when most of the time life can feel very much the opposite. Single, newly in love, going steady, heartbroken, or healing there are things we can all do to romanticise the life we live.
Here are some of my favourite suggestions to feel the romance:
Write a love letter - to yourself or to your love
Fresh flowers - enjoying something so beautiful yet simple in your home brings romance
Lingerie - wear the set that is "too pretty" to wear everyday
Dance and sing - With loving intention, sing and dance to a favourite song. Be silly (you don’t have to be a professional).
Above all and most importantly - Do for yourself what makes YOU feel loved!
There is romance everywhere if you take a step back, observe and appreciate; It is all around us.
Bare Self. xx