5 products to help support you as a new mum

When it comes to newborn life you want to make the transition as easy as possible, these are my favourite products for the newborn stage with my second daughter.
Bare Self Breastfeeding Chocolate- This was a game changer if I do say so myself! As a sweet tooth I love eating food that satisfies my sweet tooth whilst nourishing my body, it felt amazing knowing that the chocolate I was eating was also nourishing my baby and helping to support my lactation, especially in the first few months. If you would like to read more about the amazing benefits of the chocolate including more details on the two herbs and supplements; Blessed Thistle and Brewers Yeast click here.
Baby Bjorn Baby Carrier - It can be so hard juggling a household, business and newborn, I know so many new mums baby wear and absolutely love it, I did also! I found it enabled me to be able to still do the things I needed to do if little miss was feeling like she wanted extra cuddles.
Nipple Balm- This is something that I personally could not live without in the first few weeks! I definitely recommend purchasing this before baby is born so you are prepared.
Nuna Capsule - I used my nuna capsule almost everday in the first 6 months of Rosie being born, being able to take her out of the car whilst she was sleeping and connect the capsule to the pram brought so much ease and made kindy drop off enjoyable.
Essential oils- My go to when I was feeling overwhelmed was essential oils, they have so many healing properties, personally I loves using my Botanist Aromatherapy Self Love Roller throughout the day, as a new mum it can feel as though you are neglecting yourself slightly as you are giving so much energy to this new little person. I would pop some on my wrists in the morning, close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, this would leave me feeling so much better.
Hope this helps!
Much love,
Chlo xx